Friday, January 14, 2011

I hope

I awoke to see her head upon my chest.
Her eyes were open looking into mine. 
We did not speak. 
Yet in the silence of her heart she said to me "have no fear, nor any worry,
 I trust you and I believe in you".

I felt calm then. 

For on the outside, a world of uncertainty awaited me. 
All the self reliance I had and that I used as my pillar of strength, 
it was slowly beginning to crack and my steps beginning to falter.

With these my faith waned and I found myself a prisoner of my circumstance, 

which no man wishes to become. 
But in that moment she gave me faith.

Just then I awoke. 

I was in the opposite position on my bed, 
with my head to the wall and the sun to my feet.

I wish the dream did not have to end, but it had to. 

Although I wished I had more time with her, 
I couldn't remember her face, 
yet I felt her calming presence with me.

I think this angel was sent to inspire me. 

To let me know that there was someone out there who has an unconditional faith in me.

In the exact same way I feel the same way about her.
I hope we can at least cross paths one day. 

I hope she's real.

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