Monday, June 14, 2010

Woman of my soul, my dreams

She comes to me while I'm asleep,
A being of this world only visible in my dreams.

Many years ago she made herself known to me.
She reached into my heart and swam in the ocean of my soul.
With her gentle strokes she made her mark within me.
Enchanting me with a fragrance I could never quite smell.
Embracing me with arms and a body no one on earth may ever even have.
Looking at me with eyes and revealing a smile I have only beheld by glimpses of passing beauties.

Here I am wanton in my desire for her,
and here I remain unrequited.

As long as my heart beats I will search for you my love,
for when it stops,
and my breath at its last,
I know you will be with me,
helping me to break this earthbound fast.