Tuesday, January 26, 2010


We feel overwhelmed at times by the rushing tides
Where once the path so clearly was seen
Is now covered by the deep, the unknown
Spanning the divide of our mind

So perilous and dark it may seem
turbulent, churning, dark waters
From our darkest dreams

We can tread this unknown
And seek to discover the darkness of our souls
Where the shadows keep warm and abide
Where the light does not bother to be
So far on the other side

Why fight the current and flow
Cross the shadows
Free your mind of fear,
And let go

For the light and darkness
Came from one
Let the waters carry you into the unknown
Take the plunge…

From there you can learn of yourself
And listen to the silence of the deep
To know the side of life you hide from
under your covers while asleep

Free your mind of fear and let go
let the darkness come to light
and the unknown become the known
to learn to fathom the depths
Of the eternal ocean….
Your soul

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